We would like to invite you to participate in this movement.  We hope you will participate by submitting articles sermons, lessons & stories that speak to the growing hope of our denominational community, emerging/emergent and anything in between.  We want to offer a wide ranging opinion and engage in a deep and meaningful conversation at [D]mergent.

We also hope you will encourage others to participate both laity and clergy.  We hope to capture the voice of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and deliver it to these emerging tribes.  Imagine what we can do together to equip a people to be the Body of Christ in dynamic and far-reaching ways.

If you or anyone else are interested please email a request to become a contributor to dmergent@gmail.com we will send you an invitation to add yourself as a contributor then you may post articles to the site at your leisure.

You may also direct any questions or inquiries to dmergent@gmail.com.